
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I can't stop dialing 911

911. Its a number we often need in times of emergency as I have dialed this year when a man had a seizure in a office I was working at, at the time. But what about those other times when people dial it. What do they usually do? Most hang up right away then the boys in blue show up, sometimes they can be a little unhappy. Well today a customer of mines made that mistake and they got a fine as they have made the mistake several times recently. I guess nobody told them not to hang up when they call. We went over a few options on how they couldn't dial 911 and the best option was for them to change there outside dial to a 8. This was a CME system so it was done on the command line, but we can make some route patterns on a CUCM if there is interest. First thing we do is edit the dial peers. I have a few sample's below.

dial-peer voice 2004 pots
corlist outgoing call-local
description ** local dialing dial peer **
destination-pattern 8[2-9]..[2-9]......
port 0/3/0:23
forward-digits 10
dial-peer voice 2005 pots
corlist outgoing call-national
description ** long distance dialing dial peer **
destination-pattern 81[2-9]..[2-9]......
port 0/3/0:23
forward-digits 11
dial-peer voice 2006 pots
corlist outgoing call-international
description ** international dialing dial peer **
destination-pattern 8011T
port 0/3/0:23
forward-digits 10
prefix 011

Where the 8's where at were previously 9's. That was easy. We made a few outbound test calls they worked perfectly.

Now onto some telephony-service changes

call-forward pattern 8..........
call-forward pattern 81..........

transfer-pattern 8..........
transfer-pattern 81..........
secondary-dialtone 8

Yeah I realize this wasn't exciting as I thought it would be for a blog post. This is pretty straight forward stuff. In the end we made updated around 7-8 dial peers. We strip off the 8 with the correct forwarding digits and we sent calls to the PTSN. Give it a try one day!!!! Happy Networking

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