
Saturday, April 28, 2012

New Job

I've been going for a while.  I've seriously been trying to secure a new job.  I had a lot of post I made, but didn't want to really talk about them until the deal was signed and I showed up the 1st day.  I've worked with a few companies who promised offers only to have things change up on me.  Well Monday I started for a global manufacturing firm.  I'm the Senior Unified Communications Engineer.  I really don't have any underlings, but still the main stop in taking care of VOIP problems.  So far I've already been making impact, Fixing a few issues that they had lingering on my 1st day.  Some of them were insanely easy I'm not sure what the last guy was doing.  None the less it feels good to be in a decent size enterprise vs working for a partner.  More than likely in a few years I'll end back up at a partner due to the challenge of the work, but its good to get some rest inbetween.


  1. Yea, I hear you. I work for a SP myself and If I had to worry about only a single network compared the number I have to worry about now, work would be a vacation for me to lol.

    Good luck & Congrats on the new job!!

  2. I work for a partner too, I'm worried that moving to an enterprise could be boring after a while, even if family time and social life would be better for sure. What's your impression so far?

  3. After a few weeks of being here, I've already designed a few sites, Cleaned up several sites. I like the feeling here. I can take off with out much planning and enjoy my life. The money is better and the QOL is 10 fold. Its enough work here to stay happy for a long period.

  4. Awesome man glad to hear your enjoying it.

    My experience is very similar, good money and a better QOL!

    Keep enjoying it man!
